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Heaven met God 光星天堂遇見神 186s |
作者是 神的靈在光星啟示 |
週三, 21 九月 2016 22:52 |
上帝差派他的天使者, 神言人, 聖經說的人,那人就是我, God sent his angel , prophet, The Bible says the man child, That person is me, 我本人名字叫光星,是神耶和華賜給我的名字,像亞伯蘭,神要叫亞伯拉罕,雅閣,神要叫以色列一樣。在2007年12月7日,我的靈第一次升上了天堂,神的寶座那裡,見到天父和主耶穌。 My real name is Henry , however, God has changed my name to Bright Star. Like Abram, God named him Abraham, to Jacob, God named him as Israel instead. On the December 7, 2007, my spirit met with God in heaven for the first time, where I saw the God's throne, I also met heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus....
早上5點時,我在夢中到達天堂,那裡有花草,有河流,有一位白衣女人在河邊上像洗衣服,她轉過身的時候,我看見她有兩個翅膀,這時候我才知道她是天使。這位天使問我“誰叫你來這裡?”我說:“不知道。”後來天使對我說:“跟我來這裡。”於是我們就到了一間白色的房屋,屋頂上有一個大的十字架,我馬上就知道這是天堂裡的聖堂,天使就展開兩個翅膀,用手一揮兩個門就開了,我們就進入裡面,我看見一排排的椅子,抬頭望上天花板,上面有很多孩子是有翅膀的,好像在地上看天上一樣。 On December 7, 2007 at 5:00 AM morning, I reached to heaven in my dream, there were flowers, rivers, and there was a lady dressed in white color as if like washing clothes by the river, as she turned around, I witnessed that she had two wings, at that moment, I realized that I have met an angel. The angel asked me, "Who call upon you to come here?" I replied instantly: "I don’t know." Then the angel said to me: "Come with me this way." So we walked towards a house in white color in which, it had a big Cross sitting on top of the roof. Immediately, I recognized that it was the church in heaven, the angel expanded her wings from both sides,as she swung her wings, I witnessed doors were opened immediately. Both of us entered the house of God, I noticed many rows of chairs lining up, as I stared up to the ceiling, I saw many children also having wings, as if, we were watching the sky from the ground.
我看見有一位白髮白衣,發光的老人一樣的公公(天父),手裡拿著一根牧羊的木杖,來到我的身邊,問我說:“今天不是星期天,你來這裡做什麼呢?”我說:“我不知道。”這時老人離開了,那位女天使從我頭上飛過,飄灑下來許多白色的花在我身上,我雙眼立刻不能睜開,突然間有一道光,像手電筒的光一樣,射在我的身上,我就躺倒下來在地面上。這時候,老公公(天父)又再出現,問:“Are you ok?”我說:“I am ok!”於是老人公公(天父)叫我“起來,給我走三圈在這間聖堂裡。”於是我就醒了。突然間我想起了,原來昨天晚上Cindy 來電話給我們禱告和指點,我光星還問了她關於基督教和天主教的分別,她的回答在我心裡還是有疑問,不太明白。 I met an elderly old man, whom he dressed in white color with white hair all around. He looked bright and shining elderly man like the grand father(Heavenly Father), holding a shepherd's stick and walked towards me,then he asked me: "Today is not Sunday, why do you come to here?" I said:" I don’t know. "Then he left. At this moment, the female angel flew over my head, drifted down a lot of white flowers on to me, my eyes couldn’t open right away, and suddenly, there was a straight light as if shooting from a torch light, shooting straight towards me, and I fell to the ground completely. At this time, the elderly man (heavenly Father) appeared in front of me again, and asked: "Are you ok?" I said: "I am ok!" Then the elderly man asked me: “Stand up! walk three rounds in this church. " immediately, I was awaked. Then I recalled Cindy Lin phoned us about the praying and guidance of the church. I did ask her the difference, between the Christianity and Catholic, but her response was still having a big question mark and doubtfulness , I don’t understand either.
於是12月7日2007年,在早上10點鐘,我就去了附近的一間教會找牧師,請教他有關於夢和天主教和基督教的分別。這教會名叫:First church, pastor Raymen 他解釋說:God is calling you, to do something important for him.” 還說,基督教和天主教的分別是:天主教禱告是,先瑪利亞後轉到主耶穌;基督教的禱告是直接轉到主耶穌那裡的。基督教相信復活、聖靈,基督教有許多人相信的。這位牧師又解釋了人的三大部門:聖靈,靈魂,肉體。他說:你的夢境就是,你的靈魂離開你的身體,到天父那裡去的道理,故此入基督教的人可以回天堂。所以全世界有很多很多的教堂跟從神天父,信或是不信由得你。 On December 7 2007, at 10 o'clock in the morning, I went to a nearby church and consulted the pastor. I asked him about the dream I had and the differentiation between the Christianity and Catholic. The pastor’s name is Pastor Raymen, and his preaching church is, FIRST CHURCH. He responded that: "GOD IS CALLING YOU, TO DO SOMETHING IMPORTANT FOR HIM."He explained that, “Catholic prayer is praying for Mary first then go to Lord Jesus, however, as Christian is praying directly to the Lord Jesus. Christian believes in the resurrection, the Holy Spirit, many people believe in Christianity. The pastor also explained that there are three different departments in dealing with people; the Spirit, the soul, the body. He said: Your dream explains that your soul has left your body, go to meet the heavenly Father, therefore Christian people believe that after death the spirit can go back into the heaven. So there are a lot of churches today around the world to follow God, the Father and the lord Jesus, so are you, to believe it or not, is entirely up to you.
就這樣我離開了教堂,那時候我的工作是賣電,當我開車的時候,心中有疑問,於是我開口大聲說:神有什麼可能到我的身上?神又是怎樣無處去幫助人?救人?他憑什麼有這麼大的力量?人的靈魂又怎樣上天堂?那天我不斷地,重複地問這樣的問題。我又說:如果你有答案給我,我就相信你的能力,我就相信你就是我 的神。 Thereafter, I left the church, at that time I worked as a salesman for electrical goods. While I was driving, I was kind of doubtful about the whole dream, as a result, I screamed loudly and asked; “how could possibly God come into my body? How does God help people everywhere, and to save them? On what basis, how could he be in such powerful strength? And how could the human soul go to the heaven? “ . I kept repeating to ask the same questions. I also said out loudly, “ If you have the solutions of these questions for me, I will believe in your ability, and I willbelieve you as my God”. 12月7日2007年下午6點鐘,我回家後,飯也不想吃,自己感覺到不安,就直接去浸浴缸後,上氣不接下氣,雙眼不能打開,就睡在了床上,這時候我聽見有聲音說:“為什麼很多人星期天要到教堂去?人為什麼又可以上天堂?這是你的問題?”那聲音又說:“因為人就好像一塊磁鐵石,當你拿著2塊鐵片放在台上,下面用磁石的移動,人的身體就好像鐵片一樣,所以就有了電波,人所說的靈魂,像你不能見到的磁鐵石一樣。所以當你去一個地方,你會感覺方向,當你雙眼閉上的時候,人的電波就離開自己,當兩眼睜開的時候,電波很快就回到你的身上。” 神說:“你們每個人每日身體所用的電波,也是我所造的,今天的發光在你們身上的電波,很容易被關上,所以你們不知道利用電波的發射,轉達信息給我(神),這就是靈離開肉體,人的靈進入光明的屬靈世界。” On December 7, 2007 at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, when I got home, I couldn’t eat at all, I felt uneasy at all time, so I went directly to have a bath, thereafter, I felt very difficult to breath, I hardly could keep my eyes open, then I fell asleep. Out of sudden, I heard a voice talking to me: "Why do people go to church on Sunday?How could human go to heaven? Are these your questions ???" The voice came back again and sounded: "Because human is like a magnet stone, and when you taketwo metal plates and place them on the table, using the magnetic stone to move around underneath the table, it turns out to have a form of electric magnet being formed, the human body is like iron tablets as well, so there will be an electric wave, like people talk about the soul, as if no one could see the electric magnet formed by the magnet. As a result, when you go to a certain place, you can feel the sense of the direction, when the moment you close your eyes, the invincible electricwaves of your body will disappear from your body by itself, however, when your eyes open up, instantly you are connected to the electric magnet wave back to your body. "God said:" Everyone of your body’s electric magnet wave is my creation, the glow of the electric waves upon you, easily to be shut off, and for those people who do not know how to use the electric waves to transmit the messages to me (God), which means it is the moment that the spirit to leave the human body, the human spirit will be transformed into the light of the spiritual world. " 1. 神天父又說:光星“你問我為什麼我有這樣大的能力?”於是神天父回答說:“我是為你們發光,好像開著的電燈的光一樣,很快就一秒鐘的時間,就開著光,全城市的只要2秒鐘,對嗎?” 1. God the Father said: Bright Star! "You ask me why I have such a great ability?" God the Father replied: "I empower the light for you all, as if you switch on the lamp within a split of second, if you were to turn on the light for the entire city it would be done in 2 seconds, right?"
2. 神天父說:“你問我怎樣無處去幫助人?救人?”神天父答:“因為當人的靈魂(電波)有壞時,我幫助你們修理。你看一棵大聖誕樹上有多少的聖誕燈?”我回答:“大的聖誕樹有幾十萬盞燈。”神天父又問我說:“開著聖誕樹上的燈要多少時間?”我回答:“大約一分鐘。”神天父說:“3秒鐘。”神天父又問我:“在這麼大的聖誕樹上的燈開著,如果有壞的,你是否即時看見?”我回答:“正確,yes!” 2. God the Father said: "You ask me how do I help people and save them everywhere?" Then God the Father continued: "Because when the human soul (electric waves) isn’t working, I go to fix it. You see, do you know how many lights are there on a Christmas tree?" I replied:" There are hundreds of thousands lights on a Christmas tree." God the Father asked me:" How much time do you need to turn the lights on? "I replied:" About 1 minute." God the Father said:" less than 3 seconds. " God the Father asked me again:" how could you possibly identify the defected lighting bulb within a large Christmas tree of lights when it turns on, can you instantly see it? "I replied:" Correct, Yes I can! "
3我問神天父:“你是如何幫助我們或者他們的困難?”神天父回答說:“我的光發射著,好像磁鐵石引來給你們的救助。”天父又說:“你們的靈魂好像g.p.s一樣,你們無論去到哪裡,天父都會指引一條道路給你們。你們每星期日都要去教會,聽有聖靈的牧師講道,就好像你們的手機要充電一樣,這樣你們才有足夠的精力,能力去應付一個星期六天的支出,(體力,腦力等)。” 神天父解答了我所有的問題,我很高興,我說:“我相信你就是我的神!”,那天晚上我睡得很好! 3. I asked God the Father: "How do you help us or others when they havedifficulties?" God the Father answered:. "I am the light emission, as if a magnet attracted to you like stone relief," Father said: "Your soul seems like the GPS, wherever you go, I am your Father and will give you the direction of the road. When you go to the church every Sunday, listening to the sermon of the pastor of the Holy Spirit, it is the same like charging your cell phone, then you will have enough energy, the ability to cope with spending six days a week, (physically and mentally, etc.). " God the Father answered all my questions, I was very happy, I said: "now I believe you are my God!" I slept well that night!
第二天,12月8日2007年早上5點,我在睡夢中又上了天堂,一見就是教堂,也叫聖堂,全白色的,我見了很大又美麗的白色的光,我就進去了。聖堂裡面,我看見很多像人,有老,有少,有男有女,中年,少年,大或小的像人的都在內。他們看見我就哭,說:“你回來了,你知道回來了,我們一直在這兒等你回來。”我聽見就哭了,每個人都為我祝福,他們就把我抱起來(我看見自己是個小孩子的樣子),一個接一個,抬我起來到前面的聖堂講台上,我就看見一位老公公出來(天父),主耶穌在他的右手邊,還有聖母瑪利亞等很多人。 The next day, December 8 2007 5:00 am, I dreamt I was in heaven again, I saw the church, also known as the Heavenly Church, all white in color, I saw a huge and beautiful light, I went in. Inside the church, I saw all kind of people, old and young, men and women, middle-aged, big or small. As they saw me they started to cry, and said to me: "You come back, you finally come back, we've been waiting for you to come back here for a long time." I was touched and cried without any hesitation. Everyone was blessing me, and held me up (as if I was a little boy), one by one, gradually lifted me up all the way onto the podium the church, I saw an old man (the God Father) walking towards me, the Lord Jesus on his right hand side, as well as the Virgin Mary, and many others . 那位老公公(天父)說:“你終於回來了,你已經迷失方向三十多年了。 你曾經在地上見過教堂,也不行進入聖地,你看!你還這樣小!你現在才回來家,回到天堂,你現在只有四歲呀!now you only 4 years old! 我現在告訴你,你給我跪下!”我於是就跪下,老公公(天父)又說:“拿上這本書給我!”我看見這本書是金字金邊黑面的。我又問老公公(天父)說:“我該怎樣稱呼你呢?”老公公(天父)回答說:“你叫我做father! you call me father!”我就開聲叫他 father! 父親!(可能我想有一位父親,因為我失去了他,)我馬上就哭了,老公公就給了我一本書,當我手拿著這本書(天經)時,老公公father 就叫我打開這本天經,當我打開這本天經時,書中就發了光,我的雙眼就不能睜開,因為光太強了。後來我又慢慢地睜開雙眼,看見這本書的文字寫的是~,·~~~,這本書不是英文,不是中文,也不是越南文。我又問老公公father 說:“我不知道怎樣讀?”我很難過地又哭了。天父說:“你一定要看,因為你已經失踪了30 多年,你現在才回家來,你又怎樣會讀呢?你從來沒有看過,你應該要看,讀這本經書,如果你不會,我就找人教你,或者我親自教導你。”我說:“好啊!ok!”於是天父就教導我幾句,我就跟從他讀。天父又說:“你回去地上,我就賜給你一本經書給你,一定要看。”天父就叫天使帶我離開。 光星打開天上經書中發光. The God Father said: "You finally came back, you've lost for over thirty years, you had seen the church from the ground before but never walked in the Holly Church.You see, you are still little, and now you finally come back to heaven, you are only 4 years old! I'm telling you, you better knee down! "I then knelt down, The God Father said:"Take this book for me! "I saw this book is pitched Phnom Penh black cover. I asked the old man (the God Father) again: "How should I address you?" (The God Father) replied: "YOU CALL ME FATHER!!" I opened my voice to call: FATHER!! (I always want to have a father, because I lost one long time ago) Immediately started to cry, the old man gave me a book, while my hand was holding the book (THE HEAVENLY BIBLE), the old man (Father) asked me to open it. As I opened thisHeavenly Bible, a bright light suddenly appeared on top of it, the light was so bright and strong until I couldn’t open my eyes at all. Then, gradually and slowly I managed to open my eyes and saw the text of this book was written ~, • ~~~, that book was not printed in English, not Chinese, nor Vietnamese. I quickly asked the God Father: "I do not know how to read it, I'm sorry” and I cried. The God Father said to me: "You have to look at it, because you've been missing for over 30 years, how do expect to read it? However, you are here now, you will read again. You have not seen this book before you should read it. This is the bible, if you do not understand, I will find someone to teach you, or I will personally to teach you, " I said:" Well! OK! " So Father taught me a few words, I followed him to read. Father said: "When you go back to the ground(the earth), I offer you this bible, be sure to read it." Then The God Father requested the angels to see me off. 後來我就跟隨白衣天使離開了聖堂到外面去,天使介紹周圍的環境給我知道,說:“這是天父的住家,那邊是你光星在天上的家。”嘩!原來我在天上的房子也是很大很美麗的!外邊有小鳥,小羊,小鹿,小馬等,還有許多的樹木花草等,參觀完了,我就醒了。 Thereafter, I left the Heavenly Church with the angels, while we were outside the Heavenly Church the angels showed me around and said to me: "This is the heavenly Father's residential, that is yours, Bright Star’s house." Wow! Shockingly, I didn’t realize that I even have such a beautiful house in heaven! It was surrounded by all kinds of birds, little sheep, little deer, ponies, and lot of trees and flowers. After all the walk and introduction of surrounding, I woke up right away. 同日早上9點半,我第二次去找教堂的牧師 Raymen ,將我的夢告訴他,就是我看見了我們的天父,當我打開了天上的聖經時,聖經發光,我把經文的文字告訴牧師。他說:“有這樣的事?你打開的這本天上的聖經。他對我說:Henry , 從來沒有人打開天上這本聖經,我也從來沒有聽說過,或寫在書上,打開天上的聖經。”牧師又打開電腦給我看,問我是否是這些文字?我說是,他告訴我:“這些文字是希伯來文字,又是第一本聖經所寫的文字,只有主耶穌曾經打開這本天上的天經,又是第一本聖經所寫的文字,就是說,你打開了這本天上的第一本聖經,除了主耶穌之外,你是第二個人打開這本天上的聖經。” On the same day at 9:30 am, I went to church to see pastor RAYMEN for the second time, I told him about the dream that I had whereby I met with our Heavenly Father in heaven, the moment when I opened the Bible, how the light reacted upon opening the Bible, and I described the scriptures of the Bible to the pastor. He responded curiously and said: "really? Are you sure you have opened the heavenly bible? He affirmatively asked me: “ HENRY! nobody ever open the heavenly Bible, I have never heard of such a thing before, nor any written proof that anyone ever open the Heavenly Bible historically”. The Pastor immediately turned on his computer and showed me those wordings, he quickly asked me about it. “are those wordings look like this ? I replied to him without any hesitation. “ yes ,like this ! Pastor” He suspiciously responded that “These wording s are the Hebrew text of the Bible, it is the first written text of the Bible, only the Lord Jesus had the opportunity to open this heavenly bible, that means,you have opened this heavenly first book of the Bible, for your information, other than Lord Jesus, you are the second person to open this Heavenly Bible. " 牧師又說:“我不知道神會怎樣使用你?最少的,你都會是一位牧師,因為神親自呼召(calling)的人,一定有很大的用處。如果你想做牧師的話,我就介紹神學院給你,就是我曾經讀過的學校地址給你。” Pastor subsequently said: "I do not know what the intention of God? No matter what the intention was, you'll be a priest, at least. Because of the God’s willing, he has called upon you, it means your goodwill will be very useful to serve God. If you want to be a Pastor, I could recommend you the school where I had been before and I also have address for you”. 第三天,12月9日2007年的星期日,我在一間中國人的教堂那裡,拿到了一本書面好像在天堂裡看見的一本聖經,很奇妙的是那位牧師當天正好不在,由另外一位臨時的牧師代替,他正好有幾本學習聖經剛剛從香港寄來的,結果只要半價我就買了那本聖經,感謝神!從那天起我就認認真真地學習這本在地上的聖經。 The following day, which was the third day, December 9 ,2007 Sunday , I happened to be in a Chinese Church, I received a bible looks exactly like the one that I received in Heaven, co-incidentally the regular Pastor of the Church was not available for the day, he was replaced by another interim pastor instead, whom he brought a few Bibles along from Hong Kong selling for half price, that was the Bible that I fell in love with, thanks to God! It showed up on time. Ever since then, I seriously studied the Bible every day without any doubt and hesitation. 過了幾天,牧師建議我最好在聖誕節前受洗,我於是在12月23日2007年 first church 受洗,成為基督徒。 從此以後,我每天都用心地學習聖經,抄寫經文,也把不懂的字逐個查字典,寫在本子上。當我不明白經文時,主耶穌就用我的手,在我睡著時寫下經文的啟示,解釋告訴我經文的真實含義,此外還教導我學習與天父交通聯絡和說天國的語言,與天使說話的語言等。主耶穌也告訴我許多關於天上的事情,末日要發生的事情,還有那些上古時代的事情,透過異像,也給我看見許多在聖經記載的故事情景。比如在伊甸園裡面過去的樣式,亞當和夏娃他們生活的情形。甚至天父也有告訴我,他當初造人的過程,是非常有趣的。我也在異像中與聖經裡記載的人物見面,這些我都有啟示文章,放在了我的網站 A few days later, I was recommended by the pastor to be baptized before Christmas, he assured me that it was right thing to do to be baptized before Christmas Day. As a result, without a second thought, on 23 December 2007 at FIRST CHURCH, I was officially baptized as a Christian. Ever since then, I continuously have good mood and good intention to study the Bible, to understand the meaning by referring to dictionary, to translate the wordings of the bible. I studied day in and day out without any exhaustion, the moment that I have difficulties of understanding the bible, Lord Jesus would hold my hand to translate and write it down accordingly. During my sleep, he would help me to write down the revelation of scripture, explaining to me the true meaning of Scripture, teaching me how to learn traffic liaison with the Heavenly Father, correct way of communicating in heaven language, and how to have proper communication with the angels in their language. Lord Jesus also told me many things about the heaven, pointed out to me what would happen at the last day of the earth, I also witnessed many incidents during the ancient times. Through the act of God, visioning allowed me to the scene of the stories written down in the Bible, for example, the inside scenery of Eden garden in the past, the live styles of Adam and Eve. Heavenly Father also told me that what and how the process of mankind he made. In conclusion, it was absolutely very fascinating. I also had the opportunity to meet with those people with different extraordinary characters written in the Bible. For that, I have revealed it on my website accordingly. www.jesuscome.us 文章編號分別是:118,119,120,121,122,123等。我的靈在異像中與他們見面的如下:挪亞-(118),亞伯拉罕-123,約伯-122,摩西-120、121,以利亞- 119等神的義人,我與他們的對話。他們也逐個地安慰和鼓勵我要遵從神的教導,要像他們一樣的得勝。主耶穌常常與我有交通聯絡,講述他在二千年前,當時在世上的許多經歷,還有與十二門徒當時生活的情景,常常會在異像中顯現給我看。最特別的是:當主耶穌在十字架上死後的第二天,他的靈在天上聖父的面前,還有許多長老和使徒的面前,與撒旦的一場辨別審判,這些在聖經的羅馬書5章有,在我的網站文章也有:耶穌與撒旦的辯論在天國-101 ,這是真實的啟示記錄。 WWW.JESUSCOME.US article numbers are: 118,119,120,121,122,123 and so on. My Spiritual in visions with them to meet as the following: Noah - (118), Abraham-(123), Job-(122), Moses-(120,121), Elijah-(119) and other God call them righteous , I communicated with them. They frequently approach me, to comfort and to encourage me, to follow and to obey the teachings of God, to be appreciated like them. Lord Jesus and I have met and communicated very often, describing to me about the incidents that took place two thousand years ago, his experiences of life during his life time in the world, his relationships and scenes of life with the Twelve Apostles, often appeared to me in visions, especially, the day after when Lord Jesus was crucified to death on the cross, his spirit went to heaven to meet with the heavenly Father, wherein front of many elders and apostles, were having a distinguish trial with Satan, in which was written in the Bible Romans chapter 5, in the article on my website: a debate between Jesus and Satan in heaven – (101), which is the real revelation records. 神把我的靈升上天上神的寶座那裡去,神賜給我揭開天上的一本經書,名為【天上帝皇太古經書】,我也吃了這本經書,也吃了一把天上的寶劍。我的靈也曾經歷過在“生死”的十字架上,下面是萬丈深淵;我也經歷過了在萬度高溫的火焰之谷,燃燒過後得以成聖;我也經過了在黑暗生死的水淵。在我身上帶有彩虹作為我的證據等。這些都是應驗了以賽亞書43:2-7和啟示錄10章和14章等。這是神賜給我的經過,我也上到了天上的第七層天,神的寶座那裡,打開在天上的【天上帝皇太古經】,在這書中,有聖經啟示錄的“第一個印”。主耶穌用我的手,寫下的文章,是打開在聖經啟示錄的“第一個印”,也就是在我這本書中【神來拯救在末日】。神將來還要打開第二、第三、第四個印的,直到末時。 God has taken my spirit up to the heaven on to the heavenly throne, God has allowed me to open a heavenly Bible, so called “Heavenly Emperor named Swire Scriptures”, I have swallowed this Scriptures by the spirit, have eaten a handful of heaven sword. I have experienced the spirit of the "death" on the cross, underneath the abyss; I have experienced of burning fire in the valley with million degrees in temperature, after burning I become a sanctified; I have been through life and death of the depth of valley. God Father evidently has shown a rainbow symbolism in my body and so on. These are the fulfillment of Isaiah 43: 2-7 and Revelation chapters 10 and 14. This is the gifts of God that I experienced I have been to the seventh level of heaven, where the Heavenly God's throne located, to open heavenly Emperor Swire. This is the Revelation of Bible, "the first seal”. The Lord Jesus has used my hand, to write articles, is meant to open the Book of Revelation in the Bible, "the first seal ", that is in my book name 【God come to saves at the end of the world】. God will soon toopen the second seal, third seal, fourth seal, until the end of the time. GOD COME TO SAVES AT THE END OF THE WORLD.
三年半之後,神和主耶穌要我光星,按照他們的要求和步驟去做十字架。我於是在就在2011年5月30日那天,立十字架之後,我站立在十字架上揮劍,吹號,禱告,天上出現了三次圓彩虹是代表神與我們世人立約,這是一個大的神蹟。好像當年神與挪亞用天上的彩虹立約一樣(半圓彩虹),那時立的約是為肉體不死的約;你們要知道,現在神用圓彩虹,透過我光星在十字架上顯現,與世人立靈的永生約,就是神用天上的太陽和彩虹與我們世人立永約,就是永生回天國有新生命的約。在末日到神的寶座那裡去,這是神有啟示在聖經裡的。以賽亞書61:8-11 (因為我耶和華喜愛公平、恨惡搶奪和罪孽.我要憑誠實施行報應、並要與我的百姓立永約.) Three and a half years later, based on God and Lord Jesus wishes, I have to fulfill their requirements of stepping up to the cross. As a result, by May 30, 2011 the day after the cross was standing up, I stood on the cross to swing the sword, blowing the trumpet, performing the praying, out of sudden, a beautiful round rainbow appeared in the bright blue sky three times continuously. This was the indication of a symbolic way on behalf of our covenant with God. That was a miracle indeed. It was exactly like the covenant of Noah with god in the past, where it was half of the rainbow (semicircle rainbow). Those promised covenant was totally immortality. For your information, God has applied the round rainbow, to create a path of an eternal covenant of God with the rest of word through Bright Star, with the sun in the sky and rainbow, to have an everlasting covenant with people’s sprit, a path to reach to the heaven with a new life eternally. Having the opportunity to meet in heaven and reach to the front of the throne of God is in the revelation of God. Isaiah 61: 8-11 (For I the LORD love judgment, I hate robbery and iniquity. I want their work in truth, and I will make an everlasting covenant people.)
Ever since I was baptized on 12-23-2007, I sincerely followed the footsteps and the leaderships of God and of the Lord Jesus, experiencing and learning a lot of hardships, disciplines, been to so many different places, typically China for many times. I have also established the websites and published books, which is in God's will, to make me as a Messager of God. God, through my hands when I was asleep, sending many messages and information coming from the heaven, those messages and information are through my body and soul, in which I have to suffer a stage struggling, and fighting with my soul each time I received the messages from God. Based on God’s will, he makes me to translate those messages into various languages, spread out the words throughout the world, to let all the mankind of the world that it is the will of God before the end of the world. During these past seven years, every day I have communicated with God, I have also received God’s messages of the revelation article to be placed on websites and my book. By all means, individually, I do have limited capacity and resources, with all due respect, for the sake of Jesus Christ, now I ask for your help, in Christ where you are my brothers and sisters, Please pay more attention and possible help, to have these messages which came from heavenly God while I was asleep, the suffering of my body and soul in pain and struggling, how to save our lives back to the Kingdom of Heaven, to let the world mankind know the truth of saved heaven is from God before the end of time. 這是神的美意,要拯救世人,也啟示在聖經裡給了世人,聖經的經文是要全部應驗的,請世人不要跨越過神所啟示的步驟,我們乃是要按著神和主耶穌的指點去遵行。將榮耀歸給我們的神和主,直到永永遠遠,阿門! This is God's will and purposes, to save all mankind of the world, to reveal and fulfill what in the Bible should not be ignored, please do not over cross the steps of revelation from God, we do have to comply with our God and Lord Jesus indications and directions. May all glory to have our God and Lord, forever ever, Amen! 光星個人簡介4-10-2015 bright Star (Henry) Profile 4-10-2015
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